Friday, May 7, 2010

Google aspect has 300 million active users will develop site visit component

6:19 PM by speed ·
SAN FRANCISCO May 7, according to U.S. technology blog TechCrunch reported that Google Review (Google Latitude) product manager Steve Lee in the United States to the outside world, said Google Google mobile phone aspect of geographical positioning systems now has 300 million active users, of which self-aspect since the launch of Google has registered 800 million users of the service. Similar popular sites Foursquare just over 100 million users, MyTown users to two million.

Lee said the Google aspect was maintaining an average monthly growth rate of 30%. Lee aspect of Google's rapid growth is mainly due to the user mobile phone platform Android. It is reported that more than 10% of users use Google Android Review service.

Lee also explained that aspect of the further development of Google will take some time, because the iPhone not support the service software. The facts show that, Foursquare, and many other geo-positioning MyTown SNS system users are iPhone mobile phone users. With the introduction of iPhone 4.0 operating system, will develop more phone-like background of geographical positioning system software.

Lee was not specifically addressed in the interview related to program Google, but he hinted that Google will introduce vertical and horizontal components of site visit. Asked whether Google will show the most popular software landing sites, Lee explained that the company is considering this feature. But he believes the software will eventually be combined with personal and public landing sites for user mode.

Analysts expect Facebook will soon be entering the field of mobile geo-positioning system, Google or will face the challenge from Facebook. However, Li pointed out that Google has not yet developed aspect SNS function, about 1 / 4 the number of users is zero friends. But Lee said the figure did not worry, he said Google is currently focused on the development aspect of another function, which places history. This feature will allow users to query the location they have visited. And this function will also involve privacy issues; Li said that only the user can access their own location history data.

Analysts pointed out that Google capabilities for the development of geographic positioning system seriously. This will be the Google of another important direction for future development.
