Monday, April 26, 2010

Google Verizon Partnership cancel Nexus One faces an uncertain future

7:23 PM by speed ·
April 27, according to foreign media reports, Google announced Monday, has been canceled by the largest U.S. mobile operator Verizon provides Nexus One mobile phone service plan.

Google said it expected Verizon version of Nexus One can buy Verizon's Droid Incredible handset that HTC made the same as the Nexus One sister.

In January of this year, Google officially launched its own brand smartphones Nexus One, users can purchase through Google web site, priced at 529 U.S. dollars, not limited to carriers. In addition, through T-Mobile Order, signed two-year contract price of 179 U.S. dollars.

Google said at the time, Verizon customers can purchase Nexus One phone this spring, while European users can buy Vodafone. Today, Google and Verizon's partnership program has been declared bankrupt.

In this regard, some analysts believe that this is Google's plan in the mobile phone market is a blow, but the short term will not affect Google's revenue.

However, Google and Verizon have said cooperation between the two companies remain solid.

Nexus One phone listing flat, it is expected the first week sales of just 20,000, far below market expectations. In contrast, Motorola Droid phone sales the first week of 250,000, while the iPhone 3GS is a whopping 1.6 million.
