Monday, April 26, 2010

Yahoo will provide a range of Samsung mobile phone network

7:22 PM by speed ·
SAN FRANCISCO April 26, according to foreign media reports, the wireless mobile market, in order to gain more market share, Yahoo announced the expansion of cooperation with Samsung, Samsung cell phones starting from May will be able to offer a variety of Yahoo services.

Ever since Apple and Google into the mobile phone industry since the position of mobile services and software is enhanced remarkably, which forced the traditional Samsung and Nokia mobile phone manufacturers eager to build their own product lines. In the service and software products on the shortage, is considered rivals Samsung and LG Electronics of its own to gain more market share in smart phones a stumbling block to the ambitious plan.

Samsung and Yahoo since 2007 on the establishment of a partnership. The companies said the cooperation agreement between them this expansion will enable millions of Samsung mobile phone users to easily start from May to accept Yahoo's service.
