Thursday, April 29, 2010

India banned the import of telecommunications equipment in China

7:53 PM by speed ·

SAN FRANCISCO April 30, according to foreign media reports, India's Ministry of Communications Tuesday officially banned the import of mobile operators, Huawei, ZTE and other Chinese telecom equipment manufacturers.

India's Ministry of the Interior had feared that the telecommunications equipment from some countries may be built-in spyware or malicious software, so harmful to India's intelligence agencies. Last year in December, the Indian Ministry of Communications amended the license for mobile service operator license condition, all mobile operators to hand over the import of telecommunications equipment procurement plan, subject to review in order to obtain "security pass." But the Indian operators Tuesday before the ban, the Ministry of Communications are India's first official release of equipment for China's import ban.

As Huawei and ZTE are planning to push into the Indian market, a move the companies will form a larger impact. Early this year, Max Yang, CEO Huawei India, he said, over the next five years, investment in R & D center in India about 500 million U.S. dollars. At present, Huawei has 4,000 employees in India, but Indian market accounted for sales of Huawei in 2008 to about 11%, while China's second largest, the fifth largest telecom network equipment maker ZTE Corporation turnover in India last year also up to 7.5 million.

India also made a lot of new mobile operators in trouble, because the hands of Chinese companies can buy much inexpensive network equipment. The biggest beneficiary of this prohibition is to be Huawei, ZTE to snatch a share of Europe and the United States in many mobile device manufacturers.

India has had several initiatives for China's telecommunications companies, including once for no IMEI (International Mobile Communications Equipment identification number) of the Chinese mobile phone ban, cottage; and the Indian government last year began on December 8, SDH imports from China communications equipment up 236% levy anti-dumping duty.
