Thursday, April 29, 2010

Microsoft has officially given up R & D Tablet PC Courier

10:32 PM by speed ·
Just the news from Microsoft headquarters, Microsoft Tablet PC Courier has decided to stop development work, which means that Courier was declared stillborn.

CNET has contacted the first time Microsoft, Microsoft confirmed that, Courier has never been commissioned. Microsoft's vice president for communications, said Frank Shaw, "We at all times in innovation, research, testing, and develop new products. Courier is only one example. However, we do not have plans to manufacture this product."

Microsoft has been no talk about why you want to stop Courier's research and development.

A few days ago the news that Microsoft employees that Microsoft is indeed Courier in R & D projects, and will be put into operation soon. However, according to Microsoft officials say now that this project really has been "aborted." The industry believes that it is possible with the popular Apple iPad related. However, mobile Internet devices from Microsoft's concern can be seen that in the future Microsoft should also carry out related R & D program.
