Friday, April 30, 2010

iPad number of applications, application of up to 4870 titles play a major role

7:33 PM by speed ·
The application stores of the company Distimo Friday released the latest statistics report shows that, despite Apple iPad tablet PC market is still less than a month, but Apple's application stores within the iPad App Store application number has reached 4870 models. In the past two weeks, iPad applications increased 32.7%.

Distimo in the report published 4870 in the application of these models iPad, a 3437 article for the iPad specific applications; and another for the general application of section 1433, and the iPhone, in iPad use. In accordance with the classification terms, the number of gaming applications to 1577 models accounted for 32% of the total iPad applications. Applications immediately following the games are entertainment applications and electronic applications, the number of sections 455 and 396, respectively, paragraph. Since the iPad has been released, the game has been dominated iPad application application store.

In accordance with the prices, fees and charges apply accounted for 80% of the total iPad applications. Distimo the report also revealed that Apple's iPhone App Store's current total of 18.6414 million applications, of which 73% of the fee application. iPhone application price of 3.82 U.S. dollars on average, iPad applications, the average selling price reached 4.67 U.S. dollars. Calculated according to classification, the most expensive iPad applications for medical and financial applications, and their average selling prices reached 42.11 U.S. dollars respectively, and the 18.48 U.S. dollars. Application of these two types of iPad average selling price is much higher than the iPhone application. Apple iPhone application store sales of medical and financial applications an average price of 10.74 U.S. dollars and 5.74 U.S. dollars.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs in Thursday's open letter said, Apple's application store applications reached 200,000 the total number of models.
